About Me:


Hey There,

I'm Nicole! I'm a wife, mama (11 yr old, 9 yr. old twins & a 1 yr old), recently left my work full time in the CPG industry to focus more on my family AND dedicate 2 days a week to health coaching! I am an avid fitness lover turned nutrition and lifestyle optimizing enthusiast! Coffee until wine USED to be my mantra until I hit complete exhaustion and was forced to reevaluate some of my habits.

My Health Struggles: I've battled PCOS, infertility, cystic acne, amenorrhea, digestive issues, and anxiety. Western Medicine pointed me to medications that merely covered up some of the issues.

During the pandemic I was gifted more time as life slowed down and I began picking up women's health books that had a holistic approach to treating issues like mine. This then turned into a desire for a deeper understanding of nutrition. Leading to enrolling in the Nutritional Therapy Associations 10-month certification program to become a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. I proudly completed this certification in November 2021!

During this training, I implemented what I was learning making nutrition and lifestyle changes that have me feeling the best I have ever felt and alleviating almost all of my health struggle issues.

My past life experiences, books, podcasts, 1-1 coaching, group coaching, & NTP education have equipped me with a robust toolbox to couple my passion for health and wellness with my coaching and leading skills from almost 2 decades in the business world!

I look forward to the opportunity to come alongside you on your wellness journey. I know you won't regret it!


Let's go,

Coach Nicole


Let's Work Together